Wandering Wunkers

Over the last few years we’ve invested a considerable amount of money in travel equipment, from luggage and packing systems to gadgets and single-purpose tools. Here are some that have been...

In July we flew from Beijing to Toronto, and after a brief overnight, on to Washington DC and thence to Maryland. There’s not a lot out there, but there are always...

Taking pictures can serve a multitude of purposes: an external record of a sight or place, capturing a moment, creating something visually beautiful or interesting. I started taking pictures with disposable...

Living in “foreign parts” is largely a question of mindset. The people who are the most successful at adapting to the expat life – or who are the most successful immigrants,...

CW: mentions of surgical procedures, with accompanying grossness. So I have had the displeasure of needing several medical procedures recently, first at the beginning of February my lower wisdom teeth were...

Before I say anything else, I will start by saying this is hard. Perhaps nearly impossible. Learning a language requires practice, and if your child is not practicing with you, it...

These boots are one of my favourite pairs of footwear of all time. They took a long time to break in – they were still giving me sore toes where they...

For obvious reasons I could not write this post before Christmas, and with the chaos and effort of travelling to another continent and back (not to mention the start of a...

I have two of these now, and I love them. They feel built to last, and a couple(? few? I need to check when I bought them) years into owning them,...

你好!两个去年我们住在北京,和现在我可以说和写一点儿中文。 That is probably half grammar errors, but I did type it entirely from memory, without needing to look up any words. And I even corrected a couple of characters where...