About Us

Adam: teaching upper school English at Harrow International School Beijing.

Darcey: entertaining herself with languages, literature, and knitting while Adam teaches.

Asha and Rohan: 5 and 3, causing chaos, chuckles, and grey hair (and occasionally cuddles).

5 Comments on “About Us

  1. Hi,
    I would like to invite you to join my Global Expat group pages on Linkedin and facebook. We are dedicated to assisting the expat family in their years abroad as well as the trailing spouse (STARS) in maintaining a career.

    Please feel free to post links to your blog in our groups and increase your audience.

    Best regards,

  2. Hi there. You don’t know me, but I’m interested at teaching at Woodstock, like REALLY interested, and I was reading your blog in order to get a feel of life there. I’ve applied for one of the open positions for next july. I was just curious, as patience was never one of my strong points, how long it was before you found out that you’d got the job, and do they send an email or call or schedule an interview?

    Thanks so much for your time,

    ~Kerry Springer

    • Hi Kerry, it can take a few weeks. I know the positions closed on the 31st, after which candidate info is sent on to the appropriate departments and then they review them, and then work with HR to set up appointments. Classes start today (5 Feb), so people are going to be a bit harried. I’ve dropped an e-mail to someone in HR though, and let them know to make sure to keep you in the loop!

      Feel free to let me know any other questions you might have about Woodstock. I’m hoping to get more reliable this year and do weekly updates, but best-laid plans and all that… 🙂


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