Wandering Wunkers


Yarns Untangled This shop in Kensington Market is where Lettuce Knit used to be, and features a lot of Canadian indie dyers. Under new ownership it has a significantly different selection than it did previously, though is a solid shop with a good amount of variety and an incredibly convivial atmosphere. Like The Knit Cafe, you won’t find a large selection of workhorse yarns, but the focus on Canadian dyers means it’s… Read More

Since I have to do this, every time we’re back… Yarn stores have popped up and disappeared over the years while we’ve been here-and-gone, and this trip we stopped at several. The Knit Cafe This little shop is on Roncesvalles on the far west end of Queen; you can hop a street car and cruise from one end of Queen to the other, getting off at all the yarn stores along the… Read More

A long-time friend from a MUSH swung out to Toronto to see another member of the MUSH and myself. While I’ve never been a big beer drinker for a few reasons, he really wanted to check out a local Toronto brewery, Bellwoods Brewery. Adam & I went along, got to learn a fair bit about beer, and had a great time. Bellwoods Brewery is on Ossington and Argyle, a microbrewery with a… Read More